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Terry Gou

Date of Birth:

18th October 1950

Country of Birth:


Country of Residence:


Source of Wealth:


Marrital Status:

Married to Delia Tseng



Terry Gou Net Worth USD: $5,795,000,000 - $6,405,000,000

2020 Mean Estimate USD:


Terry Gou Biography

Terry Gou is a billionaire Taiwanese businessman, born in Banqiao New Taipei. His parents were mainland Chinese, before fleeing to Taiwan in 1949. After graduating from college, Terry worked at a rubber factory, and then a medicine plant. Then at 24 years of age, in 1974, he founded Hon Hai. He did it with ten elderly staff and $7,500, manufacturing plastic parts for televisions. He rapidly expanded the business, winning business, if not friends, with his aggressive sales tactics. In 1988 he opened a factory on the mainland, expanding it over the years to become a campus with dorms, medical facilities, even burial and farming facilities.

Today Hon Hai precision, usually known by its trade name Foxconn is the largest electronics contract manufacturer on the globe, supplying goods to the likes of Apple and employing a million workers worldwide.

In 2016 Hoi Han bought Sharp and the Nokia phone brand. After running the company for 45 years, Terry Gou stepped down as chairman in 2019 but he remains an active member of the board.

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