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Andre Koo Sr.

Date of Birth:

May 1967

Country of Birth:


Country of Residence:


Source of Wealth:


Marrital Status:




Andre Koo Sr. Net Worth USD: $655,000,000 - $724,500,000

2020 Mean Estimate USD:


Andre Koo Sr. Biography

Andre Koo Sr., like his father Jeffrey Koo Sr., and his son Andre Jr. graduated from New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business. Andre Sr. attained a Master’s in Business Administration. He comes from a family of wealthy, successful individuals. His grandfather and his generation made their wealth in land as well as in sugar, salt and camphor. His father made his fortune in finance, to the extent that he earned the nickname Taiwan’s Father of the Credit Card.

Andre Koo Sr has created his own business empire that is separate and independent from the other Koo family business and holdings. He is the honorary chairman and majority shareholder of Chailease Holding. Operating throughout Taiwan, mainland China and many Southeast Asia countries Chailease has 45 separate companies under its umbrella.

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