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Quek Leng Chan

Date of Birth:


Country of Birth:


Country of Residence:


Source of Wealth:

Banking and Property

Marrital Status:




Quek Leng Chan Net Worth USD: $9,025,000,000 - $9,975,000,000

2020 Mean Estimate:


Quek Leng Chan Biography

Born in Singapore, Tan Sri Quek Leng Chan was the son of one of three brothers and founders of a successful banking corporation in the 1920’s. He started school in Singapore, at the Victoria School, and then went to London to study as a barrister in law at the Middle Temple.

His business experience includes financial services, real estate and manufacturing and he co-founded Hong Leong Group Malaysia, a company he is currently chairman and CEO of. Their main interests are real estate, finance and food. While Quek is responsible for the Malaysian operations of the Hong Leong Group, his cousin Kwek Leng Beng does the same for the Singapore side of things.

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